Shakey – S/T
Shakey - S/T
The debut offering from Shakey, a new project from Silvia Kastel and Lizzie Davis (Wilted Woman). A syncretic meshing of both artists sensibilities, Shakey encompasses both’s love of digi-dub, jungle, musique concrete, and the fusing of ambient textures with abstracted rhythms.
Front cover and label artwork by artist Chris Lux. Mastered and cut by Simon Davey.
Distro via Rush Hour. NA distribution through Virtual Label or direct from label.
Direct purchases of the vinyl from the label will also receive a full-color sticker with artwork from the release.
‘The opener, “Crayscandens,” is meant to chase the squares out of the room. The 140 BPM free-techno assault cycles, variously, through rave stabs, queasy trip-hop dynamics and jaunty piano. The rest of the five-track EP is more inviting. “Slappy,” which takes its name from a slap-bass sample deep in the track, is sympatico with fellow murk merchants like Cru Servers. “Dischidia” flips the “Fairlights, mallets and bamboo” atmosphere of ’80s Japan into something modern and thoroughly alien, while “e ocean”‘s burbling, melodic house will appeal to fans of RAMZi.’
‘You might know Palto Flats for it high profile reissues of Japanese classics by Midori Takada, Yasuaki Shimizu and Mariah, but the latest release is a meeting of minds in Wilted Woman and Silvia Kastel. If those early excavations releases are the ornamental Eastern antiques sitting upon the label’s discographic mantlepiece, Shakey barges into the living room with a hammer ready to make an expensive mess.
The EP’s first three tracks (including our selection, ‘Crayscandens’) resemble the dissonant art rock of The Residents or Fred Frith; at times, it’s as though multiple YouTube browser tabs are open at once, all simultaneously blaring. The rhythms stall and jolt like a dislocated shoulder repeatedly ejected and popped back into place. On the remaining two songs, they rearrange the letters of techno to form an indecipherable anagram, cutely referencing digi-dub and jungle. The latter comes as no surprise following Wilted Woman’s recent collab with Christoph De Babalon, whose deconstructive approach is palpable throughout the EP. Long may these surreal, Shakey beginnings continue.’